
A recent article by Fisher Investments Editorial Staff on MarketMinder.comdelves deeper into why this is a perilous practice

Beware Breakevenitis

On the road to your investment goals, looking back at prior levels is no way to formulate a forward-looking strategy.  A recent article by Fisher Investments Editorial Staff delves deeper into why this is a perilous practice.


Ken Fisher’s Latest Book, Beat the Crowd

Fisher Investments’ CEO Ken Fisher’s talks about his latest book, Beat the Crowd, “how to out-invest the herd by thinking differently”  with CNN Money:  A billionaire investor’s advice

It seems all investors are worrying about something these days. The Fed rate hike, Greece, the strong U.S. dollar, China’s slowdown. The list goes on.

Billionaire investor Ken Fisher says ignore it all. If you’re picking stocks, disregard the media and market chatter. All those broadly known fears are already priced into the stock markets. Your time is far better spent thinking about what’s next.


Pundits Already Lowering Expectations Bar for Q1

Q4 GDP was revised again Friday, but the real story here is analysts’ low expectations for Q1

US Q4 2014 GDP was revised for a third time Friday, with headline growth remaining unchanged at 2.2% (seasonally adjusted annual rate).

But what does this really all mean?  Click here to read the full article on

Charts Are Pretty, But Not Predictive

Technical analysis returned to headlines this week. What can investors glean from it all?

“The S&P 500 Fell Below Its 50-Day Moving Average. What Happens Next?” Well, what happened next were rallying stock prices putting the index back above that allegedly meaningful moving marker. But rather than sounding the all clear, all this does is remind us clearly that basing your strategy on technical indicators is a faulty approach.

Click here for the complete story on

One-Two-Three-Four, Who Declares a Currency War?

Are we in a currency war?

Currency war. It’s when countries collect all their spare change, ready the sling shots and … Just kidding. A currency war—or less colorfully, a “competitive devaluation”—is supposedly where countries deliberately reduce exchange rates to gain an edge in trade. Many say we’re in one now and it will cause market mayhem—perhaps even ending in a 1930s-style scenario of devaluations and beggar-thy-neighbor trade tariffs. Eek! But a careful look suggests this narrative is pure fiction. We see no evidence of currency wars—just people reading way too much into normal monetary policy moves. In our view, currency wars are just one more false fear in the bull market’s wall of worry.

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